
Identify the tools interviews surveys questionnaires and

Write a 5-page assessment in which you compare and contrast the research methodologies and results of at least two different studies on motivation and performance associated with a specific emotion.

Suggested Resources

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Capella Resources.

Assessment Instructions

Write a paper comparing and contrasting the research methodologies and results of at least two different studies on motivation and performance associated with a specific emotion.


This assessment requires you to identify a topic to research and then to examine the results and methods of two studies on the selected topic. The topic must be an emotion and its effect on goal-directed motivation.

An important skill in conducting research is to narrow the focus of your topic to keep the content manageable and to facilitate finding supportive evidence. To identify a topic:

Select a positive or negative emotion that has an effect on goal-directed motivation, and then begin to narrow the focus of the topic.
Continue to narrow the focus of your topic with consideration for other relevant factors, such as age of the research subjects (adults versus children), their gender, their educational level, or other demographic or topical factors. Your goal is to identify a research topic that is appropriately narrow and can be sharply defined, and for which research is available.

Do some preliminary research to ensure that you have sufficient sources for your topic. You must locate at least two peer-reviewed research journal articles on your chosen topic from the Capella library. To find sources, select key words and enter them into the Summon search engine in the Capella University Library. If you do not find sufficient resources, revise the focus of your topic and try again.

Finally, develop a working title for your paper (for example, "The Benefits of Hope in Peak Work Performance" or "Effects of Depression on Adolescent Academic Performance") that addresses the narrowed and manageable research topic.
After you identify a topic, select two studies to use as the focus for your paper.


For this assessment, write a paper in which you complete the following:

Describe, based upon current research, the effect of a selected negative or positive emotion on goal-directed motivation.

Describe how the negative or positive emotion addressed by current research affects the biological, learned, and cognitive components of goal-directed motivation.

Compare and contrast the research methods used in the two selected studies. What is the purpose of these studies? What are the research questions to be answered by these studies? Do the research results address the research questions?

Identify the tools (interviews, surveys, questionnaires) and technologies (telephone, audio/videotapes, Internet) that were used in the selected studies.

Conclude with what you learned from this research and how it may inform or describe your personal or professional behavior in similar circumstances.

Additional Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA sixth edition style and formatting.

Number of resources: At least 3 scholarly academic resources are included.

Length of paper: The length is a minimum of 5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference list.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font is used.

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Dissertation: Identify the tools interviews surveys questionnaires and
Reference No:- TGS02352908

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