
Identify the title of advertisement name of product or

New Amazon Prime Commercial 2016 - A Priest and Imam meet for a cup of tea.


We are increasingly subject to powerful influences on our thinking and identify formation. For example, advertisers spend billions of dollars to manipulate our perspectives and values in ways that are complex and subtle, and often have very little to do with the actual product being advertised.

For this assignment select one authentic television commercial or print advertisement featuring a product or service that you use, and, in an essay, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the title of advertisement, name of product or service, title of publication or name of television network.

Next, describe the advertisement, using a tone that appropriately captures the hoped-for consumer's interest.

2. Provide a description of the consumer's experience or reaction while viewing the advertisement or commercial. Description should identify whether logos, pathos, or ethos is the primary persuasive tactic., Ff Sep

3. Who is the intended audience? If you are a member of the intended audience, how effectively do you think the advertisement reflects your interests and desires? If you are not a member of the intended audience, how effectively does the advertisement reflect the interests and desires of the target audience?

4. What are the memorable (negative or positive) images or messages suggested by this advertisement? Provide at least two examples to support your opinion.

5. Focus on the images of gender, race, minorities, etc. How positive and inclusive are these images? Does the advertisement attempt to break down stereotyping, or does it still promote the same old images and roles?

6. Describe how each of the advertisement's creative elements (images, language, fonts, music) work to influence your thinking. Hint - a. Identify the symbolic associations of the various images and words. b. Discuss the use of language in the advertisement. How do the connotative associations influence the viewer?

7. What makes this advertisement successful? Does the advertisement speak to an aspect of your identity? How does this advertisement reflect broader cultural trends in today's culture?

Project Criteria

Your written analysis must be word processed using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced, one-inch margin. Please number your answers. Use this page as your title page. Include a References page for your advertisement.

• Oral presentation should be 3-5 minutes, and must include the advertisement visual aid. Please do not read your answers. Prepare note cards.


• 100 points Content includes sense of purpose, sense of audience, point of view, sophistication of thought.

• 25 points Oral Presentation including visual aid and note cards.

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Marketing Management: Identify the title of advertisement name of product or
Reference No:- TGS02209111

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