Question: Does your marketing plan involve selecting channels and intermediaries? If the answer is "no," read no further and do not include this element in your plan. If the answer is "yes":
1 Identify which channel and intermediaries will provide the best coverage of the target market for your product or service.
2 Specify which channel and intermediaries will best satisfy the important buying requirements of the target market.
3 Determine which channel and intermediaries will be the most profitable. 4 Select your channel(s) and intermediary(ies).
5 If inventory is involved,
(a) identify the three or four major kinds of inventory needed for your organization (retail stock, finished products, raw materials, supplies, and so on), and
(b) suggest ways to reduce their costs.
6 (a) Rank the four customer service factors (time, dependability, communication, and convenience) from most important to least important from your customers' point of view, and
(b) identify actions for the one or two factors that are the most important in regard to your product or service.