
Identify the three major factors that will arise as dhs



1. Identify the three major factors that will arise as the DHS progresses in asserting itself as an effective federal department focused on protecting the United States from all hazards. What other issues may the DHS need to address in the future?

2. How does the federal government address incidents of cybercrime and cyberterrorism within an overarching cybersecurity and critical infrastructure plan?

3. Identify and describe the various programs, organizations, and volunteer groups in which private citizens may participate regarding homeland security.

4. Create two qualitative systems for floods-one that measures consequence and another that measures likelihood.

5. How is the media an effective risk communicator? In what ways are they poor at communicating disaster information?


Keep the following in mind when completing this final essay :

When developing your answers remember you must include (cited) facts to support the major points in your response. Your responses should not include continuous citations without your thoughts and analysis, as well. Rather, your responses must reflect a balance between facts and your perspective on the points you make.

Your responses to each of the five questions should be a minimum of one page (250 words) and a maximum of two pages in length, double-spaced and written in 11-point Arial font or 12-point Times New Roman.

Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer.

Include a title/cover page.

Include cited references and format them in the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style (6th edition).

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.)

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Other Subject: Identify the three major factors that will arise as dhs
Reference No:- TGS01981463

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