
Identify the three ethics viewpoints to analyze the movie


(1) identify the three ethics viewpoints you will use to analyze the movie,

(2) list the outside research sources you have consulted in preparation for the paper,

(3) include a preliminary thesis that answers the question of whether you believe a theme from the selected film is ethical, and

(4) your research strategy for researching the film's content.

Example preliminary theses follow (please be sure to write your own thesis):

1. The use of antibiotics in food products is unethical because it violates the disclosure rule, but ethical because its use serves the greater good from the viewpoint of utilitarianism.

2. Enron's conduct in failing to properly supervise its CFO's conduct was unethical because such conduct violates the categorical imperative, and because such conduct violates the doctrine of the mean. Your research strategy should discuss your approach to finding reliable and relevant information on the theme you wish to write about. How will you search for materials? What databases will you use to conduct your research? How will you evaluate if materials you find are reliable, relevant and recent?

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Accounting Basics: Identify the three ethics viewpoints to analyze the movie
Reference No:- TGS01968223

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