
Identify the theory discussed in the article identify the

Question: For this assignment you will summarize and critique one (1) Journal article for this class. This will be a critical evaluation of an article on a subject related to the topics covered in the text and class. The summary should be 2 - 3 pages plus a title page and a reference page (4 - 5 pages total). Your title and reference page must be in APA format. Articles are listed below and can be found in the PsychArticles database online through the CVCC library. Be sure that your article comes from this database (Psych Articles). For information on APA format.

What is expected in your critique and how it will be graded:

The following points should be covered for each of the articles

Identify the Theory discussed in the article.

Identify the hypothesis.

Describe the sample - Who are the subjects and is it a random sample?

Describe the design of the study- is it experimental, correlational, archival, ethnographic, case study; longitudinal, cross-sectional, sequential.

What are the results of the study- summarize the findings; was the hypothesis supported or not?

Are there any ethical issues/concerns

Title page and references - You should have one title page for the entire paper that includes your name, the name of the course, my name. You should also include a reference page with each article reference in APA format.

Grammar and style - be sure to proofread your papers and check for any spelling and grammatical errors.

Style Guidelines

APA format required for title and reference page

Your critique should be 2-3 pages in length, (not including title page and reference page)

Typed, double spaced

1 inch margins all around (top, bottom and both sides)

Remember to spell check your paper

Remember to proof-read your paper

Papers are to be submitted in Blackboard as an attached document. Do not simply copy and paste your paper into Blackboard. To submit your paper in Blackboard, simply click on the assignment title, scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the " browse" button. Click on that and find your document on your hard drive. Then click on submit. Please do not send me your paper as an email attachment. No email submissions will be accepted.

Using the title and author information provided, please choose one of these articles for your journal article critique. You can search for the article on the CVCC library database page. Search under psychology using the PsychArticles database.

Cognition-emotion interaction as a predictor of adolescent depressive symptoms.

Rudolph, Karen D. Davis, Megan M. Monti, Jennifer D.

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Dissertation: Identify the theory discussed in the article identify the
Reference No:- TGS02758043

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