
Identify the theories andor areas of research or


Identify a topic of interest to you related to the course. Prepare five critical thinking questions related to your topic. Read 5 research articles from academic journals (NO POPULAR PRESS) relevant to your topic. Do not use dissertation abstracts.

Complete your literature search in any of these data bases: PsycArticles, PsycINFO, or Proquest Psychological Journals. All articles must be on the same topic. The topic must be included on the title pages. Write a brief summary of each article (one page minimum, double spaced). Each summary must include a complete reference (author, title, journal, year, volume, pages). Start with the most current articles (this year and earlier). All papers must include two identical title pages, one introduction, 5 summaries, 5 detailed abstract and citation records printed directly from your data base search, and one conclusion. You must include a copy of the detailed record of each article you review immediately following your summary. Use the following as a guide.

A. Introduction: Introduce your topic and the research related to it. Why is this topic important? List your critical thinking questions by number.

Identify the theories and/or areas of research or controversy relevant to your topic. What is the basic theoretical approach or research paradigm covered in your articles? In what way do the research articles you selected address your critical thinking questions?

B. Article Summaries: Example of reference and summary format:

1. Hamilton, Seward E. (year) Identifying African American Gifted Children Using Behavioral Assessment Technique: The Gifted Children Locator. Journal of Black Psychology, 19, 63-76

Your summary starts here. Your reference for each article should be single spaced as indicated above. Your summary should be doubled spaced. All articles must come from academic journals. Your summaries should be numbered 1-5. Failure to follow this format will result in a one point penalty per article. Do not answer your questions here. Do not include your personal opinion or position here.

C. Detailed Records: Include a copy of the detailed record for each article you summarize. Print each detailed abstract and citation record directly from your data base search and include it with the article you summarize. Do not retype or cut and paste the abstract. Go to the library NOW. Familiarize yourself with the reference librarian. Failure to include the detailed record or to attach it to the summary will result in a two-point penalty per article.

D. Conclusion: Briefly summarize observations. Take a position on any controversial or important issues. Support your position using the articles you read (provide the reference). You must discuss/integrate points covered in your articles. This section should not be limited to your emotional response or personal opinion, but may include both. What research evidence responds to each of your critical thinking questions? Answer your critical thinking questions.

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Dissertation: Identify the theories andor areas of research or
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