
Identify the target symptoms/problems

Problem: A 38-year-old divorced mother of two children presents due to low mood. She currently works at the local supermarket. However, she reports that she has been feeling exhausted and has not been picking up as many shifts. She reports she feels as if this are "piling up", she feels "fed up", and "miserable". She has been having trouble sleeping, has lost weight due to lack of appetite, and has expressed loss of interest in things that she previously enjoyed. She had one suicide attempt in the past, however, states she has no current suicidal ideation.

1. Identify the target symptoms/problems

2. Safety Risk Assessment, what are your concerns while she is meeting with you?

3. What information would you want to collect for your case formulation when you are meeting with her?

4. What is your working diagnosis? What led you to this diagnosis?

5. What would be your pharmacological plan? Provide rationale, what are the target symptoms that led you to choose this medication, explain the mechanism of action

6. What education would you provide this patient related to your medication choice?



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Other Subject: Identify the target symptoms/problems
Reference No:- TGS03423186

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