
Identify the structure that has more classical


In the first paragraph identify the set of structures that were chosen and which of those two appealed to you the most. Does it remind you of a place you have been or a place you might want to visit or???? This is your opinion but don't use the terminology in this opening. However, remember that you will be referring to it later. You may even want to develop this part last. Determine which you think has more Classical characteristics and which has more Romantic ones. Each of the two structures will have both characteristics. However, focus on the comparison. One should have more in common with the whole list of Classicism and the other should share more common aspects of Romanticism. Do not focus on just one of the traits, but consider them all.

In the second paragraph identify the structure that has more Classical characteristics. Then, discuss the various architectural features of the structure that makes it more Classical by connecting those architectures terms to the Classical characteristics (simplicity, symmetry, unity, clarity, etc.) So, if you note that the structure has an even number of pediments on either side then tie that directly to symmetry as one of your three connections. Place both the architecture term and the Classical characteristic in the same sentence.(pediments/symmetry) Three of these correlations are required.

In the third paragraph identify the structure that has more Romantic characteristics. Then, discuss the various architectural features of the structure that makes it more Romantic How do the architecture terms reinforce Romanticism (drama, passion, asymmetry, complexity, variety, etc.)? Place both the architecture term and the Romantic characteristic in the same sentence. Three of these correlations are required. You can choose to present these paragraphs in the opposite order - Romantic first. (part 3 of the above rubric)

In the last paragraph use one or more of the architecture terms identified to support the opening subjective statement. The terms that were used to determine whether the structure is either Classical or Romantic should be a close reinforcement of your rationale for choosing one structure over the other. If you cannot discuss how the terms reinforce your opening statement, then adjust your opening statement to make that application easier. But, do not use the terminology in that opening statement. Use it in the closing one. (part 4 of the above rubric)

It might be best to start with a rough draft of terms and correlating characteristics. You should have three architecture terms tied to three different Romantic characteristics and three architecture terms tied to three different Classical characteristics. Each application should contain both a characteristic and an architecture (not elements) term from the architecture lecture. Do not discuss the landscaping in this post.

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Dissertation: Identify the structure that has more classical
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