Movie Civil Action short response
Answer in brief form the following questions. You should repeat the question below in your essay as a means of identifying where a break in your responses is. Each answer should be between 250-400 words
From the film, A Civil Action,
1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Jan Schlichtmann as a negotiator.
Jan Schlichtmann as a negotiator has his strengths and weaknesses. Personally, while watching the film on can immediately notice that he is an effective negotiator. Some of his strengths is that he portrays good communication skills as he speaks well with confidence throughout the negotiation process, he also provide skills of problem analysis, strong verbal communication, determined to win the case so he gives it his all, and he is a man who desires extreme preparation before entering into any negotiation without having all his facts straight and supported. One thing that amazed me the proved to me one of his strengths is some of the negotiation techniques like "Hard balling", this shows he is effectively managing the process throughout. In my eyes the major weakness portrayed by Schilichtmann would be that he is indecisive at times, we see this clearly when he is contemplating on deciding to be able to accept the settlement deal offered by the defendant therefore leading him to having less at the end then what he was previously offered. He is very arrogant and reckless we can clearly see this in his statement and dealings during the process which might have as well led to the bad decision of refusing Facher's deal. A big issue noticed was his pride was ridiculously high, we see this in the movie through his actions regarding his lifestyle, not to mention due to his pride the case occurred.
2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Jerome Facher as a negotiator.
3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Ann Anderson as a negotiator.
4. Of the three, select the person you feel is the best negotiator and briefly describe on scene where they demonstrated how effective they were.