
Identify the strengths and weaknesses each identity

Two-page writing assignment along with references -

My race is African American, Indian and Mexican

My gender is female

I speak English all the time

My age is 40

My religion is Baptist

Born and raised in Chicago

I was raised in a Baptist church as a child and I still follow this Baptist religion toady

Indicate your ethnicity, race, gender, religion, language, and age and discuss how each of these has contributed to who you are today. You may discuss these in terms of where you are at present (e.g., what religion you currently follow), and, if you wish, you can include information from when you were younger (e.g., what religion you were raised with).

Explain which of these factors is the most important and which is the least important to you and share why you believe this to be the case.

Writing assignment 2 with 5 pages along with references

Identify one ethnic (e.g., Mexican, Asian, etc.) and one cultural (i.e., this could be religion, sexual orientation, etc.) important identities about yourself. For example, African American or white.

Conduct scholarly research to learn about the values and assumptions that accompany each identity and to learn about how each identity can influence human services in a multicultural and diverse setting.

In a 5-page paper, analyze and present your findings. Make sure that you address the following in your analysis:

  • Describe each identity and the values and assumptions therein.
  • Compare and contrast the two identities. What are the similarities between the two? What are the differences?
  • Explain how you might reconcile the differences between the two identities.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses each identity provides in a professional human service setting.
  • Explain how you can utilize both identities to positively influence a professional human service setting.

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Dissertation: Identify the strengths and weaknesses each identity
Reference No:- TGS02330053

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