Identify the staffprofession that should be licensed to

Section : Licensing and Accreditation (2-4 pages)

Accreditation is the "recognition conferred by a respected professional entity that a service provider meets predetermined performance standards. Accreditation is a voluntary process."

Licensure is the "process by which individuals are deemed eligible to provide a regulated service. It does not necessarily require demonstration of competency in that service. This term is often used interchangeable with registration."

(Source: Long Term Care: Managing Across the Continuum. John R. Pratt, Fourth Edition)


1. Provide the name of the primary agency that accredits your selected LTC provider
2. List the standards of accreditation that are used to review facilities.
3. Describe the accreditation cycle (i.e. following approval, does accreditation last 3, 5, or 10 years)
4. List the cost of accreditation
5. Briefly summarize the process for applying
6. Indicate whether your institution is accredited


1. Identify the staff/profession that should be licensed to operate or provide services in your facility, the name of the each licensing organization, and the minimum licensing qualifications.

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Dissertation: Identify the staffprofession that should be licensed to
Reference No:- TGS01659130

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