
Identify the special population the individual belongs too


Requirements of the Assignment:

Submission must be a minimum of 500 words (this excludes your name, class information, title page, references, etc.). This 500 word minimum refers to your actual response to the prompt.

Must fully address the prompt

Submissions must not contain spelling errors, grammar errors, syntax errors, errors in concepts, etc. In other words, you are to proofread and edit your work before final submission. Expectation is that you use Grammarly to check your work for errors

See the Writing Resources Module for more information

No plagiarism! See the course syllabus, university policy, the Getting Started Module, and the Writing Resources Module for more information Please note that your submission will be processed through Turnitin. Your submission should have less than 15% similarity as other sources (including direct quotes but excluding Title Page and References Page). You can resubmit your assignment until the final deadline as many times as you want. Note that after the third submission, it may take Turnitin up to 48 hours to process a new report. Therefore, please plan accordingly.

Paper must use APA 7th edition format

References are not required but any statements of fact or thoughts that are not your own must be appropriately cited.

You are strongly encouraged to paraphrase rather than use direct quotes when using information from other sources . This will help you to avoid exceeding the 15% similarity limit in Turnitin (see above and the syllabus for more information)

Title Page and Abstract not required


Find a news article that discusses an interaction between someone belonging to a special population as discussed in the Week One PowerPoints and the criminal/juvenile justice system. After finding the article, address the following:

1. Identify the special population the individual belongs too

2. Identify the issues in the case that are unique to the individual belonging to the special population

3. Provide your opinion on how the justice system reacted/responded to the individual

4. Was the response appropriate or inappropriate? Explain your response

5. Could the justice system improve how it responded in the case? If so how? If not, why not?

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify the special population the individual belongs too
Reference No:- TGS03167792

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