
Identify the roles of every stakeholder in project


Project Name: Implement an ERP system to significantly improve efficiencies across the organisation for Funnelback.

Project Description: The client, a large organisation with a market capitalisation of $980 million briefed TechnologyOne to lead the implementation of an ERP system to significantly improve the efficiencies across the organisation

The client faced the following challenges:

• The client had multiple systems, which were disparate with little or no integration between the systems. This meant that end-to-end customer business processes did not flow smoothly, resulting in a poor customer experience.

• Duplication of information existed across the business functions where customer information was manually keyed into several IT software systems, often resulting in incorrect customer data. This caused both inefficiencies with data collection and communication errors with key customers.

• The biggest challenge for the client was in understanding how well the business was working. They suspected inefficiencies and data errors from disconnected systems and were concerned this was having a negative impact on their interactions with customers.

Project Funding: Funnelback is willing to spend $5,00,000 over a period of 2 years for achieving the software.

Project Approach:

TechnologyOne's role was to map the business processes and design improvements around the ERP capabilities. We understand the Enterprise Resource Planning environment and work with staff to design systems that provide reduce risks, improve efficiencies and reduce costs. We provided the necessary Business Analysts to collaborate with a large number of stakeholders across the organisation, gain consensus, develop specifications, vendor manage, pilot and deliver via an ERP program.

Project Team:

TechnologyOne will be complete this project with:

1 Project Manager

2 Business Analysts

2-3 Developers

2-3 Testers (1 senior tester, 1 Functional tester, 1 Technical tester)

1 Project Coordinator


1. How is the PESTLE analysis useful for this project?

2. How the "Threat of Substitution" force is applicable for this project?

3. Do a MOST analysis and find out the strategy of TechnologyOne to overcome these challenges.

4. Why is the resource audit useful for this project?

5. What we will derive from this project after performing the SWOT analysis?

6. Apply Requirements Elicitation Techniques below to this project:

7. Interviews

8. Observation

iii. Workshops

1. Scenarios

2. Identify the roles of every stakeholder in this project.

3. Why is a stakeholder analysis important for this project?

4. How we will manage the stakeholder in this project?

5. What is the need of soft systems methodology in this project?

6. What is the benefits of business activity model for this project?

7. When drawing the swim lane diagrams, what things we will include from this project?

8. What is the importance of "As-Is" analysis in this project?

9. How you will prepare a list of requirements from this project?

10. Why do we need to perform a requirement validation for this project?

11. What documents does a business analyst prepare from this project?

12. Prioritise the requirements of this project using the requirement management technique.

13. What will we include in system modelling from this project?

14. Why is a business case important for this project?

15. When should we apply identifying options strategy in this project?

16. List the reasons we can provide to show this project is technically and financially feasible?

17. What factors will we include from this project when we are performing the Investment appraisal?

18. Explain all the phases of the agile process for this project.

19. Apply "Pair programming" agile practice for this project?

20. Explain the roles and responsibilities of a developer in this project.

21. Explain the "Kanban" agile approach for this project.

22. How we will apply Use Case Modelling technique of BA in this project?

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Case Study: Identify the roles of every stakeholder in project
Reference No:- TGS03158822

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