
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the fire officer


NFPA 1021 4.4.4


1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the Fire Officer - FESHE 7, 10
2. Outline a fire department organization and delineate the roles and responsibilities within - FESHE 3, 7


For this assignment, you are to prepare a written document outlining and describing the organizational structure of your department. Delineate the rank structure of your organization and the necessary duties of each rank, starting with the lowest ranking firefighter up to the highest ranking officer. You should provide an original flowchart depicting organizational structure.

Within the document, you should also describe your organization's mission statement and discuss how the duties of the fire officer lend to the fulfillment of the mission

Your prepared document should be at least 2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt font, and with appropriate APA style writing.


NFPA 1021 4.4.4



NFPA 1021 5.2.3


Summarize the purpose and procedures of promotional examinations


For this assignment you need to create a professional development plan outlining the fire fighter in question. You be as thorough as possible in the development of your plan and provide an accurate timeline of completion.

Below is a sample of fire department's policies and procedures along with a sample appendix of an outline of a professional development plan. Use these as a guideline; however, they should not be taken word for word.


NFPA 1021 5.2.3

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Science: Identify the roles and responsibilities of the fire officer
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