
Identify the reasons for the consultants concern over

Write a report answering the following questions from the "Snapshot Industries" case study which will be made available through Moodle.

Case Study Questions:

1. Why did the expert see the problem as one linked to 'Knowledge Management (KM)'?

2. Identify the types of knowledge which can be found in Snapshot Industries. Consider which elements are strategic knowledge.

3. Why were the resignations and retirements a problem? What could be done about this?

4. Identify the reasons for the consultant's concern over leadership. How has Jim's leadership affected the business? Can you see some ways in which Jim could improve his practices?

5. In your opinion, which areas most need to reflect knowledge management principles? Why?

6. Do you think that KM is a strategy in this case? Why or why not?

7. Could KM solve all the problems of Snapshot? Why or why not?

Presentation of your assignment: You must include the following in your report:

  • Title Page - clearly setting out the title of your assessment, your name, your student ID, the unit name, unit code and the name of the lecturer. There must be no graphics or pictures of any kind on the title page.
  • Format - 3000 words (+/-10%) report excluding title page, table of contents and references. Submit one file in MS Word .doc or .docx format. Times New Roman 12pt. The report must have a header and footer as follows: in the header put your student number on the left side of the page and your name on the right side of the page. The footer should have a page number that is centred on the page. The header and footer should appear beginning with the Introduction of the report and continue throughout the rest of the report. There should be no header or footer on the Title page, the Executive Summary, or the Table of Contents.
  • Executive Summary (not more than one page) - the idea of an executive summary is it summarises the whole report so a busy person could get a good idea of the contents without having to read the entire report. This means it should contain the purpose of the report, summary of the body of the report and summary of any findings or recommendations if these were present. Please see the 'Unit Resources' section in the Moodle unit webpage to learn more about how to write an executive summary.
  • Table of Contents - auto generated using the word processor. The title page and table of contents itself should not appear in the table of contents. The table of contents should be on its own page.
  • Introduction - identifies the purpose of the report, backgrounds of topic, and briefly states the issues or matters you will be discussing within the body of the report. Another way of saying this is that the Introduction outlines the "agenda" of the report. Please see the 'Unit Resources' section in the Moodle unit webpage to learn more about how to write an introduction.
  • Body - this is where you discuss your answers in detail, where appropriate, headings and sub-headings should be included with the logical progression of your answers from one idea to the next. Do not use the word 'Body' as a heading - identify words that relate to your report for the heading.
  • Conclusion - in this section you need to summarise your work and findings. You should introduce no new points in your conclusion. Please see the 'Unit Resources' section in the Moodle unit webpage to learn more about how to write a conclusion.
  • References - this is a list of all the books and articles you have cited in your assessment. Use Harvard (author-date) referencing style for your in-text citations as well as your list of references. You need to reference all the materials you have used. Use at least seven academic quality journal articles published between 2010 and 2017. Do not use sources that were published before 2010. Contact your library for assistance in proper referencing. Use of Wikipedia and other similar websites is strictly discouraged.

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Business Management: Identify the reasons for the consultants concern over
Reference No:- TGS02281831

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