
Identify the principal economic issues


The project for the term wi II be to prepare an economic review and assessment of one of the sectors or major industry groups in Canada. The term project will be selected in conjunction with the instructor from the list of sectors/industry groups provided. Every student will cover a different sector/industry group.

It is expected that the paper will cover the following topics:

-definition of the sector/industry group (NAICS)

-recent economic history of the sector/industry group (last ten years)

-economic review of the sector/ industry group for the past year or so 6,5l, -importance and contribution of the sector/industry group to the ( overall economy (percentage of GDP)

-identification and assessment of the principal economic issues that Ain relate to the sector/industry group (at least six)

-suggestions for resolving each of those issues

-economic outlook of the sector/industry group for the future (next year or so).

This term paper is expected to be in the range of 1,750 to 2,250 words. It should not exceed 2,250 words, exclusive of tables, charts, maps, etc. Your paper should include at least three tables and charts.

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Microeconomics: Identify the principal economic issues
Reference No:- TGS01941175

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