
Identify the population of interest approximately what is


Assignment will include several components. First, you will decide on your research question(s). What is it that you would like to know? Who can provide you with that information?

Next, what is your sampling plan. This plan identifies and describes your population of interest and how you intend to have random but adequate representation of the population to make generalizing statements about the population.

The next component is the actual survey instrument. This instrument will reflect the mode you intend to field the survey and must not exceed five minutes in length. A justification of the selected mode should be included with the survey. Questions should be well crafted, be in appropriate form, and provide adequate information to answer the research question you have posed.

The next two components of the assignment is a plan outlining how you intend to deal with missing / poor quality data and analysis. The impact of poor quality data on your ability to answer your research question should be addressed, which will in turn inform your imputation methodology. Include statistical methods to analyze the data.

Remember to include the following components in your report:

1) Research Question(s). What measures from the survey answer these questions?

2) A sampling plan appropriate to the population of interest. Identify the population of interest. Approximately, what is the population size? What is your estimated sample size? Justify your sample size statistically.

3) A survey instrument appropriate for the selected mode of delivery.

4) A plan for handling missing or poor quality data.

5) A plan for the analysis of the survey data. How do you find answers for your research questions? Hint: Utilize Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Modeling, etc .

Formatting: Submit a Word report with all of the above discussed components. Include your name on the first page (no title page) and include page numbers (page X of X) on all pages. Ideally, your report should be 5 - 6 pages in length.

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Dissertation: Identify the population of interest approximately what is
Reference No:- TGS02433702

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