Identify the particle emitted for each type of decay

CI.20 K+ is an electrolyte required by the human body and is found in many foods, as well as salt substitutes. One of the isotopes of potassium is 40K, which has a natural abundance of 0.012% and a half-life of 1.30x10 to the 9th power years. The isotope 40K decays to 40Ca or to 40Ar. A typical activity for 40K is 7.0(some u funny symbol) Ci per gram.

a. Write a nuclear equation for each type of decay.
b. Identify the particle emitted for each type of decay.
c. How many K+ ions are in 3.5 oz of KCL?
d. What is the activity of 25g of KCL, in bequerels?

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Chemistry: Identify the particle emitted for each type of decay
Reference No:- TGS0833895

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