
Identify the participants you would interview who would be


Interview Protocol

In order to apply the information you have learned this week, each of you will engage in designing an interview protocol for our research question.

Research Question: Which time management strategy do adults find to be the most successful?

To complete this process, follow these steps:

1. Identify the participants you would interview. Who would be your sample of choice and why?

2. Determine the type of interview you would use (e.g., one-on-one, focus group)--see your text for detailed information. Explain the reason for your choice.

3. Create an interview protocol. A sample protocol is located in your textbook. Design interview questions with the goal of obtaining information to answer your research question. These should be open-ended questions designed to gather as much information as possible.

4. Identify potential probes to encourage participants to clarify or elaborate on their answers.
Note: when answering these questions, be sure to demonstrate your understanding of the use of interviews for data collection.

Survey Design

The purpose of this assignment is to construct a survey to measure variables needed to answer the research question we will be exploring in this class. You will also answer a series of questions pertaining to your survey design.

Research Question: Which time management strategy do adults find to be the most successful?

To complete this assignment:

1. Identify the variables that you will be measuring via survey responses.

2. Develop a survey that measures these variables. Note: there is no specified length for this survey; however, it should adequately measure your topic of interest.

3. Answer the following questions pertaining to the survey you created:

• What is the purpose of your survey? What question did you hope to answer?

• What types of questions did you ask? Explain the reasoning for your choice(s).

• What format did you use for your items: multiple choice, true/false, Likert scale, or a combination? Why did you choose the format(s) that you did?

• When writing your items, what steps did you take to avoid bias and social desirability tendencies?

• Explain the sequencing of your items. What was your rationale for the final order of your items?

• If you were to administer the survey, what method of survey administration would you choose? Why would you choose that method?

The answer to these questions can be in question/answer format. Be sure your responses are thorough and show evidence for thoughtful survey construction, as well as a clear understanding of course material as it relates to survey design.

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Business Management: Identify the participants you would interview who would be
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