
Identify the organizations key stakeholders

Give illustrations and explain why you think this is a common weakness for companies.

Question 1. Do the top leaders believe that key stakeholders and stockholders relationship building is important to the company's financial and bottom-line success?

Question 2. Can employees identify the organization's key stakeholders?

Question 3. What percentage of the CEO's activities is spent in building new and sustaining existing relationships with key stakeholders?

Question 4. Do senior managers and employees know what customers want, and does the organization meet customer needs and expectations?

Question 5. Are the systems aligned along a common purpose or are thy separate and isolated?

Question 6. Does the structure of the company facilitate or hinder information sharing and shared problem solving?

Question 7. Does the strategy of the company encourage or discourage stakeholder respect and fair treatment? Is the strategy oriented toward the long or short term?

Question 8. Is there a defined process for employees to report complaints and illegal or unethical company practices without risking their jobs or facing retribution?

Question 9. Is there collaboration and open communication across the organization? Are openness, collaboration, and innovation rewarded?

Question 10. Does the corporate culture treat its employees fairly, openly, and with trust and respect? Are policies employee-friendly? Are training programs on diversity, ethics and professional development available and used by employees?

Question 11. Does the corporate culture value and support participation and open and shared decision making and collaboration across structures and functions

Question 12. Do the organization's vision, mission, and value statement identify stakeholder's collaboration and service? If so, do leaders and employees 'walk the talk' of these statements?

Question 13. What percentage of employee activities is spent in building productive stakeholder relationships?

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Other Management: Identify the organizations key stakeholders
Reference No:- TGS01868518

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