For this assignment, you will select a current or recent crisis event that has taken place during the last five years (natural disaster, political event, act of terror, community crisis, etc.) and write a paper assuming you are working with a client who has experienced theidentified crisis.
• In your writing, you will address the following:
o Identify the individual(s) and/or group(s) impacted by the event (including relevant demographic information, i.e. age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race/ethnicity, culture, etc.).
o Identify the nature of the crisis (what is the crisis, who is involved, source of the crisis, type of crisis).
o The course of the crisis and any initial concerns (PTSD, physical danger, emotional stability, discrimination, support system, etc.).
o Using the ABC method of crisis intervention, explain how you would work with at least one person experiencing the crisis. Provide specific intervention strategies in this discussion.
o Identify potential resources needed (community resources, stress management resources, diagnosis/medicated treatment) and further implications (policy change, safety assessments, large-scale recovery efforts).
• Submit a Word document in APA format.
• Maximum 6 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.
• At least two resources, in addition to the course textbook.
Written work is clear and excellent college-level work; Paragraphing and transitions are clear and appropriate; appropriate guidelines outlined for paper were met.
The length of the written work provides indepth coverage of the topics, assertions are clearly supported by evidence; Paper meets required length of pages and content areas; More than the required number ofscholarly journals were used.
Written work has no major errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was appropriate; APA style was acceptable with no to few errors.