
Identify the modern american experience


Discuss what you have learned on the themes of power, resistance, and equality in the modern American experience. You should write an essay that answers the following questions:

1) Are those in power bound to abuse it?

2) Do the "weak" have to tolerate the power of the "strong?"

3) What inequality can you identify in the modern American experience? Generally speaking, can inequality be eliminated? Should it be?

Your essay response should be a minimum of 150 words. It should reflect your status as a student of history and include specific information about what you've learned this semester. General responses that are not rooted in the history we've learned this semester will be penalized.

Your submission should NOT include any textbook quotations or Internet material! If any part of your response is unoriginal, on will receive a zero.

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History: Identify the modern american experience
Reference No:- TGS02958303

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