
Identify the meanings of the different lipid panel

Write a case study on lipid panels of the three subjects below. Identify what the LDL, HDL, and triglycerides are for each and how they impact overall cardiovascular health.Below is a case study describing individual's lipid panels. It is your job to identify in this case study what the LDL, HDL, and triglycerides mean and how they affect overall cardiovascular health.

For each scenario, list if the level is high or low and what that means. Which ones are needed for good cardiovascular health and which ones are linked to increasing the risk of heart disease?

1. Read through the case study.

2. Identify the meanings of the different lipid panel information.

3. Determine appropriate levels. Provide relevant evidence for your opinions.

4. Evaluate good and bad health effects of the different levels and categories.

Make sure your work meets the criteria on the scoring guide.

5. Submit your completed case study to your instructor for feedback and evaluation.

Lipid Panels Case Study."Case StudyUsing the following American Heart Association (AHA) resources on blood lipids and heart disease, determine the risk of heart disease for the following three people and make recommendations on what they need to do to modify their blood lipids and lower their risk.

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Biology: Identify the meanings of the different lipid panel
Reference No:- TGS0613618

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