Title of Course: International Business
Case Study-(Wal-Mart Stores: “EVERY DAY LOW PRICES IN CHINA”)
Maximum Marks:
Course Code: BUS-6002
Maximum Marks-10
Name of Student: ______________________________________ I.D. Number: ___________
General Instructions:
Read the case carefully before you start answering.
Answer each question precisely & sequentially
Write your answers on the ruled sheets attached.
1-Identify the principal concepts, theories, and practices in the Case Study related to International Business
2-Identify the Market environment of the business (Walmart)
3-Evaluat the Strengths, Weakness, opportunities & challenges associated with the company.
4-Application & Evaluation of the business-related decision-support for the formulation of management decisions. :-Through the following questions
A) Why is Wal-Mart successful in the US? What are Wal-Mart’s competitive advantages and its sources?
B) Should Wal-Mart replicate its domestic model in its original form in china? Why? Can it build same competitive advantage in china through its successful domestic model?
C) Provide suggestions on potential strategies that Wal- Mart should consider in going forward.