
Identify the major disadvantages of the columns-to-rows

1. Which of the following best characterizes tightly coupled systems?

a. to expensive to change

b. use of a directory to identify the participating systems

c. indirection

d. connected by a "loose" network

2. Identify the major disadvantages of the columns-to-rows design pattern, and provide steps to eliminate them:

3. The most popular technique to solve interoperability problems is to use programmers to write code in a brute force fashion. Although interoperability can be achieved, there are several disadvantages to this approach. Name these disadvantages:

4. There were several waves in IT, some are considered to be of high amplitude, while others of low amplitude. The invention of communication networks, personal computer, and the Internet are all considered to be part of:

a. High amplitude waves

b. Industrial revolution

c. Low amplitude waves

d. Agricultural revolution

5. A strategic advantage for a company is best identified by the following sequence (first to last in chronological order)

a. Data->information-> unique differentiation

b. Unique differentiation->data->information

c. Unique differentiation -> information -> data

d. Data-> unique differentiation-> information

6. Your company has just acquired a major competitor company. Now there are two IT departments in the merged company. Name and briefly describe the major options that exist in integrating the two IT departments.

7. Consider an operational database (e.g inventory database) and a specific record with information about a book, such as "adaptive information" by Pollock and Hodgson, ISBN,Wiley, etc. Which metadata layer does this belong to?

8. A promising semantic interoperability framework contains several characterisitics, some of which are:

a. dynamic highly flexible information centric

b. web services oriented, custom code, dynamic

c. adapter oriented, EAI tools, remote procedure calls

d. middleware oriented, customized program, tighly-coupled

8. The biggest difference between tightly coupled and loosely couples systems is indirection. Briefly identify how indirection works, and provide a simple example that describes indirection using DNS

9. the statement Student_ID varchar2(10) which metadata layer does it belong to schema format layer

10. You are given 2 similar databases (e.g two inventory databases) with different schemas (schema A and schema B). Both databases contain inventory items but in a different formats. For example, an item ID in schema A is defined as ItemID number and in schema b is defined as XYZcomp_object_identifier varchar2(10). You need to write queries that span both schemas but because of such incompatibilities it is quite difficult. Based on the textbook identify possible ways of mapping schema A to schema B.

12. Type the formula that defines information

13. Consider the following two table definitions:

Create table EMP1 (empID varchar2(11), empName varchar2(50), empDept number);

Create table EMP2 (employeeID number, fName varchar2(25), lName varchar2(25), empDept number);

a. what type of conflicts do you observe between fields in the two definitions, and for which fields?

b. Name the different conflict solutions that exist to alleviate the above conflicts?

c. Write a SQL statement to retrieve full names from EMP1 and EMP2

14. Why there is no layer in the metadata model called "semantic layer"?

15. why context is difficult to contain in a metadata repository?

16. Your boss just gave you a new business rule to implement. Briefly discuss how would you specify a business rule and in which languages? In the majority of existing applications, where do we find?

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Computer Engineering: Identify the major disadvantages of the columns-to-rows
Reference No:- TGS01509382

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