
Identify the main arguments or ideas to be discussed in the

Assessment: Critical Essay and Reflection

Length: Task 1 Essay (1000 words - excluding reference list)

Task 2 Reflection (200 words)

Assessment submission

Task 1 Critical Essay

(This task aims develop your critical reading and writing skills through the writing of a critical essay)

Choose one topic from the five topics available and write a critical essay in the argumentative style. In this essay format, you must:

• briefly state your position on the topic and why the issue is important;
• Identify the main arguments or ideas to be discussed in the essay in the order in which they will appear; and
• use and refer to four readings provided with the topic using either APA 6th edition or Harvard style.

Topic is = Business: Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing.

4 Readings: 3 Journal Articles and 1 Book Chapter*

(These readings listed below are not referenced in Harvard or APA 6th ed. Style)

1. Bija&Balas (2014): Social media marketing to increase brand awareness[Journal Article]
2. Gaber & Wright (2014): Fast-food advertising in social media. A case study on Facebook in Egypt[Journal Article]
3. Whiting & Deshpande (2014): Social media marketing: A myth or a necessity[Journal Article]
4. Minazzi (2015). Mobile social media marketing in tourism (Chapter 5: pp. 127-135) [Book Chapter]

For more information on writing a critical essay.

Two days before the due date, submit your final draft of your essay to Turnitin and access the originality report. This is needed to allow you to complete Task 2 below.

Task 2 TURNITIN Reflection

Using the OriginalityReport generated by TURNITIN, write a 200 word reflection on your experience of using TURNITIN. Includean interpretation of the score you received and identify any issues in your Originality Report. Explain how you addressed these issues in your assessment.Since you are using a reflective style of writing, you can use ‘I' in this paragraph.

Putting Task 1 and Task 2 together

• Edit your essay draft if necessary.
• Insert your reflection into the end of the essay draft after the reference list.

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Other Subject: Identify the main arguments or ideas to be discussed in the
Reference No:- TGS02582633

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