
Identify the location and origin of the selected works of

Overview: In this Milestone you will submit your topic proposal via the discussion board. After looking through the images in our MindEdge text and/or recommended resources, including the Web Gallery of Art, propose your topic, and post images of your two proposed pieces. Please keep in mind that you need to select two works of visual art from two different time periods or style movements. Lastly, your works must be selected from one of the style movements beginning with the ancient and ending with the Renaissance period. Once you have fully identified the two pieces, you also need to justify your topic by explaining why the two pieces should be compared. You may wish to consult the MindEdge resource on Writing About the Humanities, located in the Final Project section of the course, in preparation for this and other milestones.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Topic Proposal:

a. Locate at least one image of your chosen pieces that you have selected from great works of Western art and culture (from websites and online sources), with different angles or views.

b. Identify 1) name of the artist; and 2) name or title of each of the works of art you have selected.

c. Identify the style movement or period of time and the closest date for each work of art selected for the analysis paper.

d. Identify the location and origin of the selected works of art you have chosen to analyze.

e. Defend your chosen topic by explaining why the two pieces should be compared (in terms of their significance to the time period, the cultural and historical context of the work(s), or the importance of the works to the development of art). What do you hope your readers will gain through your comparison?

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History: Identify the location and origin of the selected works of
Reference No:- TGS01097042

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