Identify the link between ethical and legal analysis


Case: Consent and Refusal of Care

Ms. George, a 66-year-old Aboriginal woman who has had diabetes for 35 years, requires an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg as a result of severe ulcers and gangrene. She has a supportive family. She refuses to have the operation, stating, "I was born with two legs, and I'll die and be buried with two legs!" During her preoperative visit, you clarify the rationale for surgery, the positive and negative consequences of her decision, answer her questions, and attempt to alleviate her fears. She is informed and understands the information given. She continues to refuse surgery. Her family says she is irrational and her wishes must be overruled. They want her to have the surgery.

i. Demonstrate the ability to apply an ethical decision-making framework to evaluate and solve an ethical dilemma
ii. Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise an ethical dilemma using relevant ethical theories and principles
iii. Identify the link between ethical and legal analysis of an ethical dilemma
iv. Understand the purpose and function of ethics committees
v. Articulate the importance of values and values clarification when discussing ethical dilemmas

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Reference No:- TGS03348627

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