Task: Identify the level of dependent variable measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) implied by the statement.
1. You asked congressmen if the money they have received from PACs is more than $100,000, between $50,000 and $100,000, or less than $50,000.
2. You asked congress about the primary source of their PAC money: Labor unions, corporations, medical associations, or civil rights groups.
3. You checked the congressional record to see how many times in the past year each congressman was absent from a roll call vote.
4. You asked people on the street to rate their own congressman on a 1 - 7 Likert scale.
5. You asked congressmen to indicate whether they are Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
6. You asked people on the street to rate their own congressman as very liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, slightly conservative or very conservative.
7. You asked each congressman how many years s/he had been in congress.
8. You asked congressmen: Of the following issues, rank order the top three in importance: gas prices, war in Iraq, war in Afghanistan, urban crime, domestic poverty, subprime mortgage crisis.