Case Scenario: Katskee v. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska, 515 N.W. 2d 265 (1984)
Based on the provided case fulfill the following requirement
Facts: Summarize the background facts of the case
o Parties
o What happened
o Procedural History
Issue: Identify the legal question before the court.
Rule of Law: Identify and Describe the legal principles and legal precedent the court will use to answer the issue.
Analysis/Application: Analyze how the Rule would be applied in this case. This is the most important, and should be the most detailed, part of your map. Organize this section by:
o Plaintiff: How did the Plaintiff interpret, present and argue the Rule?
o Defendant: How did the Defendant interpret, present, and argue the Rule?
o Court: How did the Court apply the Rule in making its decision? (Also, consider: Did the Court expand, reinterpret, or narrow the law to reach its conclusion?; What facts were compelling to the Court in its analysis?; Did the Court use analogy or make public policy arguments?)
Conclusion: Describe the decision of the court, and whether and how the Rule applies.
Impact: Identify and describe at least two cases that have cited the holding.
Importance: Evaluate why a health care professional would care about the decision.
Influence: Describe at least two current health care practices that have been influenced by the holding.
Please provide citations