Identify the key the players - official and unofficial and

Write a one-page summary of the (current) policy. State the name, Bill number and purpose of the policy. Identify the key elements. Based on the emerging issues identified in Assignment 1, present one recommendation for further policy development discussed in the literature.

Identify the key the players - official and unofficial, and interest groups - involved, either for or against this recommendation. Describe the role and function of each of the players you identified.

Of the of the key players you identified, pick two (2) - One for the recommendation and one against recommendation. Describe the political influence of each, explaining motives, conflicts, interrelationships, and impacts on the policy.

Conclusion. Based on assessment of the key players, what are the challenges to getting the recommendation on the Agenda to be considered for a vote?

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Business Management: Identify the key the players - official and unofficial and
Reference No:- TGS01695598

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