
Identify the key areas for inclusion - develop a letter of

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Prepare job descriptions
- Use job descriptions to support sourcing, selecting and appointing suitable staff
- Use different advertising channels to promote vacancies and/or establish a potential talent pool
- Consult with managers to gain approval
- Develop selection criteria and interview questions in consultation with relevant personnel
- Schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues
- Participate in interviews and other selection techniques including assessing candidates against selection criteria to short list them
- Obtain referee's reports
- Prepare and distribute a selection report including feedback to give unsuccessful candidates
- Advise unsuccessful candidates of the results
- Secure preferred candidate's agreement and provide an employment contract
- Advise other staff of the successful candidate and arrange induction

Assessment Task 1

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to write a job description and job advertisement, covering all the critical elements and compliance with legislation.

Assessment description
This assessment requires the candidate to develop a job description and advertisement for a job described in the case study provided by your assessor.


Review the case study and identify the requirements for the role to be filled. Write a job description, using the template provided in Appendix 1.

Prepare two advertisements, one which would be placed in a newspaper and the second online.

Note: Future assessment tasks build upon the job description you develop for this Assessment. Ensure you appropriately save this task for future use.

The job description must include:
- job title
- evidence of approval
- summary statement
- detailed tasks and responsibilities
- required qualifications and personal characteristics
- reporting relationships
- conditions of employment/service

The advertisements must include:
- determine the content of the advertisement
- determine the layout for the advertisement
- write the advertisement
The advertisements must be suitable for placement, both online and in a newspaper, and meet the requirements of the organisation.

Your assessor will be checking that the following information is contained in the advertisement:
- job title
- location
- brief job description
- reporting relationship
- brief description of the organisation
- minimum requirements (experience/qualifications)
- any unusual features of the job (travel/physical requirements)
- how to apply (contact name/closing date/selection criteria)
- that it meets compliance with EEO and anti-discrimination legislation

Assessment Task 2:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will develop a schedule for planning activities and suggest timeframes for recruitment.

Assessment description
For this Assessment Task you are required to develop an action plan, listing the steps you should take to plan all recruitment activities, based on the case study provided for Assessment Task 1.
You will also create an interview guide, based on the position description.

a. Identify all steps required to be undertaken for the recruitment process.
b. Sort them by timeframe.
c. Document in the action plan provided.
Interview guide:
a. Develop questions for interview.
b. Note questions that need to be avoided or asked with some restriction to avoid any legislation restrictions.
c. Write an interview guide.

Your assessor will be checking that the action plan follows a logical progression, and incorporates:
- determining recruitment needs (position requirements/timeframes)
- planning recruitment activities (advertising internally/externally)
- organising interviews (scheduling/interview guide)
Your interview guide must contain questions which evaluate the applicable selection criteria:
- work history
- education and training
- personality, motivation and character
The questions must not breach EEO or Anti-discrimination legislation:
- conducting interviews
- making selection decisions

Assessment Task 3:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will be able to conduct an interview in a simulated work environment and make selection decisions.

Assessment description
For this Assessment Task you should use the scenario provided in Assessment Task 1 to conduct an interview, make a selection decision, and discuss/explain reasons for the decision with your assessor. You should use the interview guide developed in Assessment Task 2 as the basis of the interview you conduct. Your assessor will arrange an interview schedule.

Prepare the environment for the interview. Review interview guide and job specifications. Conduct the interview.
Evaluate the applicant.
Make assessment decision and discuss with your assessor.

Your assessor will be checking that the interview is conducted in an appropriate environment, and the following key steps are followed:
- Environment suitable for an interview - chairs facing each other or on a slight angle with no barrier between/water provided/private area without interruptions.
- Welcome and greet the applicant appropriately - smile/shake hands/ say welcome/thank them for coming/make small talk e.g. weather/introduce yourself/explain how the interview will take place.
- Conduct the interview according to the interview guide developed in Assessment Task 3.
- Listen and respond appropriately - maintain eye contact/paraphrase/nod/ open body language.
- Ask follow-up or probing questions when required - questions which follow a previous question but ask for more detailed information.
- Record and rate responses on a ranking sheet.
- Close the interview and advise applicant of next steps - ask them if they have any questions/tell them you will be interviewing other applicants and making decisions (provide timeframe)/let them know how they will be contacted e.g. phone or letter/thank them for coming/walk them to the door/shake hands.
- Evaluate the applicant against the pre-determined criteria for selection.
- Justify your decision - identify why you selected one candidate over another or why you found the applicant suitable/not suitable, based on objective information gained through the interview process.

Assessment Task 4:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will be able to develop a letter of offer and employment contract

Assessment description
For this Assessment Task you are required to conduct internet research and view a variety of examples of letters of offer and employment contracts. From these, develop a letter of offer for the vacancy identified in Assessment Task 1. The letter of offer is to be addressed to the job applicant identified as being the preferred candidate in Assessment Task 3.
You must also complete an extract of a contract of employment to accompany the letter of offer.

- Review samples and examples of letters of offer and employment contracts on the internet.
- Identify the key areas for inclusion.
- Develop a letter of offer and extract of an employment contract.

Your assessor will be expecting, at a minimum, the following areas to be covered:
- new employee's name
- nature of the job
- remuneration as a total package
- other benefits, such as a bonus and non-packaged items (e.g. company car)
- annual leave, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave \
- terms and conditions of resignation/termination, including notice period

Assessment Task 5:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will be able to identify and plan for a workplace induction

Assessment description
For this Assessment Task you will develop an induction checklist, showing all elements required for an effective induction for a new employee.

- Review samples and examples of induction checklists on the internet.
- Identify the key areas for inclusion.
- Develop an induction checklist..

Your assessor will be expecting, at a minimum, the following areas to be covered:
- orientation to the local work area
- detailed induction to work area
- WHS checklists completed and correctly filed
- job role and performance expectations

Assessment Task 6:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of customer service and understand customer service concepts.

Assessment description
This assessment requires the candidate to complete a customer service examination.

1. When instructed to do so, answer the attached test paper.
2. You may not refer to any sources of information during this test.

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Business Management: Identify the key areas for inclusion - develop a letter of
Reference No:- TGS01542230

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