
Identify the issuesproblemdisease as described in your

Needs Assessment

"HIV" focus on young men of color having sex men (YMSM)


HIV.CDC-RFA-PS17-1704 a.pdf

You could divide your paper into these sections

Background information.

· Introduction paragraph (s) that cover YMSM paper your writing

· Identify the issues/problem/disease as described in your grant. Review causes, related problems or risks. If you identify five risk factors, you then discuss each risk factor in detail. (address each of these risk factors: high rate of youth prostitution, poverty, high dropout rate from high school, homeless youth, high unemployment rate)

· For each of these items you need reliable peer-reviewed literature to support what you say. The only accepted source is (for example, www.rice&beans.gov, www.garri&soup.eduwww.ggg.org

· You should consider finding other programs that have been successful at doing what you want to do.

· Summarize the problem/risks/issues.

· This paper minimum of 8 pages and every be cited

This three articles on YMSM




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Dissertation: Identify the issuesproblemdisease as described in your
Reference No:- TGS02202388

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