
Identify the instructional model you have chosenstate the


Part One: Lesson Plan

Review the Common Core State Standards website (https://www.corestandards.org/read-the-standards/) . Select two to three academic standards on which a unit of study can be developed. Create three lesson plans that could be used in this unit using three different instructional models (select from models that have been covered in this course) and can be utilized effectively to create objectives to meet the standard you have chosen. Be sure to address each of the items below in each of your lesson plans:

• Identify the instructional model you have chosen.

• State the academic standard on which the lesson is based.

• Describe the grade level for which your lesson is written.

• Write one students will understand objective, at least two students will know objectives, and at least two students will be able to do objectives to meet the academic standard you have chosen.

• Describe assessments that will be utilized to measure students' mastery of objectives.

• Explain the procedures you will use to teach the lesson. Be as specific as possible. Pretend you are writing plans for a substitute teacher.

Your lesson must be explicit enough for the substitute teacher to be able to implement.

Your lesson plans should be written using the KUD format as shown in your course textbook (See examples in Chapters 4 through 10). One of your lessons can be a revision of your Week Three assignment. Make sure to incorporate your instructor's feedback. All three of your lessons must build on and/or support each other.

Part Two: Rationale

You may begin working on these areas through weekly assignments throughout the course. Address each of the following bullet points in your Final Project:

• Introduction: Describe the focus of your project (unit of study).

• Rationale for selection of instructional models: Explain how and why each selected model will be effective in meeting instructional objectives for that lesson.

• Meeting the needs of diverse learners: Describe how individual needs can be met in each model/lesson plan.

• Assessment and accountability: Describe types of assessment that will be used in each lesson and how they measure students' mastery of objectives. Describe how you will use assessment data to guide your instruction.

• Evaluation plan: Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your unit of study. Describe adjustments you might have to make during implementation.

• Conclusion: Describe how you feel about lesson planning. What do you think are your strengths? What do you need more support with?
The entire project must be a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style (where appropriate) including a title and reference page. You must use a minimum of four sources, in addition to the course text. The sources do not have to be scholarly.

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Dissertation: Identify the instructional model you have chosenstate the
Reference No:- TGS01689900

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