
Identify the influence tactics you will use


Using what you have learned in this course up through this week, come up with a strategy to influence your instructor to change the evaluation criteria for this entire course (although it is too late in the session for any changes to actually be made).

Make mention of how the environment, values, motivation and rewards, groups and teams, communication all come into play as reasoning behind your evaluation criteria. Identify the influence tactics you will use, as well as the sources of power you will draw from. Be sure to cite at least three credible sources!

Then, develop a Powerpoint slide deck with voiceover narration detailing your response. There are many lively, free templates on PowerPoint, so select one that reflects your new plan best. Presentations should not be less than five minutes and should not exceed seven minutes.

Presentation Upload Instructions: Upload the link to the presentation to GAP. Below are some sources to assist you when recording

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Business Management: Identify the influence tactics you will use
Reference No:- TGS03286228

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