General Requirements - Identifying Variables:
In a study investigating the effects of humor on memory, Schmidt showed participants a list of sentences, half of which were humorous and half were non-humorous. Schmidt found that participants consistently recalled more of the humorous sentences than the non-humorous sentences, demonstrating that the use of humor increased participants' recall of sentences.
Directions - In an essay (250-500 words), address the following items:
· Identify the independent & dependent variable(s) for this study.
· Describe the scale of measurement used for the independent variable.
· Describe the scale of measurement used for the dependent variable.
· State the purpose of the research (i.e. Schmidt's purpose was to examine the effects of humor on memory),
· State the research question (i.e. Schmidt's research question was: What are the effects of humor on memory?),
· State the independent variable and the dependent variable for your study.
References attached
Schmidt, S.R. (1994). Effects of humor on sentence memory. Journal of Experimental Pyschology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 20(4), 953-967.
Ulloth, J.K. (2003). Guidelines for developing and implementing humor in nursing classrooms. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(1), 35-37.
White, G. W. (2001). Teachers' report of how they used humor with students perceived use of such humor. Education, 122(2), 337-348.