
Identify the how the artist uses form focal point balance

The medium in which a work of art is made can greatly affect how it is viewed or the message that it conveys.

Select a work form the following links:

• Quilts of Gee's Bend - https://www.auburn.edu/academic/other/geesbend/explore/catalog/slideshow/

• Hongkiat3D Street Chalk - https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/absolutely-stunning-3d-street-art-paintings/

• Museum of Computer Art - https://moca.virtual.museum/

• Lascaux Cave Paintings - https://www.lascaux.culture.fr/#/en/00.xml/

Use the textbook, intellipath materials, the Internet, and the Unit Resources for help.

Include the following in your post:

• The name of the work of art.

• Who was the artist or designer?

• What year was it made?

• Identify the how the artist uses form, focal point, balance, color, and texture in the work of art. How does the medium affect the use of these elements?

• Include the image of the work of art. Paste images directly to the Discussion Board. Do not post an attachment.

Respond to at least 2 classmates with substantive posts. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.



Hongkiat. (n.d.). 50 absolutely stunning 3D street art (paintings). Retrieved fromhttps://www.hongkiat.com/blog/absolutely-stunning-3d-street-art-paintings/

MOCA Virtual Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://moca.virtual.museum/

Quilts of Gee's Bend Catalog. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttps://www.auburn.edu/academic/other/geesbend/explore/catalog/slideshow/

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Dissertation: Identify the how the artist uses form focal point balance
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