
Identify the high level logical modules in the system and

Identify the high level logical modules in the system and the relationships between them. You can concentrate on part of a system and not a whole complex system, as long as you can come up with at least 5 high level logical modules and you completely account for that part of the system.

Look at the example in the Design Exercise thread.**Use Video and Music Player and burner software (for DVD and CD)

Design ExerciseCOLLAPSE

Reply with your high level system design here...


System: ATM machine system

Modules and relationships:

Welcome- welcome display with instructions how to start (press Start)

• When "Start" pressed, calls Login module

• After completion of transactions or after quit, shows again

Login - module to read card, prompt for PIN, and check PIN

• Called by Welcome

• If user does not input in certain time, goes back to Welcome

• If card and PIN are validated successfully, calls Menu

Menu - displays menu with a number of selections (balance, withdrawal, transfer, exit)

• Calls the corresponding module based on selection

Withdrawal - module to handle cash withdrawals

• Called by Menu

• Prompts for another transactions and if yes, goes back to Menu. Otherwise goes to Exit

Transfer - module to handle transfers between accounts

• Called by Menu

• Prompts for another transactions and if yes, goes back to Menu. Otherwise goes to Exit

Balance - module to handle balance inquiries

• Called by Menu

• Prompts for another transactions and if yes, goes back to Menu. Otherwise goes to Exit

Exit - cancels current transactions

• Calls welcome

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