
Identify the grand challenge that is most aligned with


First, carefully read and reflect on The Grand Challenges for Social Work that "represent a dynamic social agenda, focused on improving individual and family well-being, strengthening the social fabric, and helping have a more just society (American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare)."

Next, identify the Grand Challenge that is most aligned with your professional interests as a social worker. Note that your interests and desired areas of specialization may align with several Grand Challenges.

Now that you have identified at least one of the 12 Grand Challenges, you are asked to reflect and think more specifically about your interests related to the Challenge(s) you selected and to narrow the focus to a more specific problem or issue. Go to the Grand Challenges website and click on the Challenge(s) you selected to access a series of working papers that drill down further. After carefully reading those papers, complete the next set of questions.

Reflect on these aspects of the Grand Challenge(s) that you selected interested you(Stop Family Violence, Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth, Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice) and is most likely to be an area around which your specialized practice as a professional social worker will revolve. In no more than ONE paragraph, use information and readings from the Grand Challenges website to specify and establish the social work problem or issue that will be the focus of your professional practice. Cite the relevant references in your discussion.

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Reference No:- TGS03250224

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