
Identify the geographic area where this patient is located


70-year-old woman in Gilbert, Arizona, diagnosed with ovarian cancer and must have her ovaries removed. Both patients have received diagnosis from their respective care providers and must be admitted to a hospital for inpatient care. What services will he need through the duration of his recovery experience? How might the two patients' experiences compare in terms of care coordination and the continuity and comprehensiveness of services they receive? Where will they receive care? Research Medicare's Hospital Compare to research data related to their diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. Compare three hospitals and based on your findings...

In an 8 to 10 slides PowerPoint presentation, include:

1) Title slide

2) Introduction slide

3) 6-8 content slides

4) Describe the patient you have selected (including his or her health problem/injury) and identify the geographic area where this patient is located.

5) Analyze the continuum of care, including specific services the patient may require from three or four actual settings.

6) Describe a potential challenge related to payment for services this patient may encounter.

7) Explain why professionals in your selected settings need to be aware of the quality of services guidelines and requirements, in comparison to the continuum of care.

8) References slide.

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Other Subject: Identify the geographic area where this patient is located
Reference No:- TGS03359627

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