Assignment: Introduction to Media & Information Technology
In order to get you thinking about the technologies we will be studying in this course and how they have evolved, your first assignment is to write a short research paper discussing the key milestones in the evolution of one of the technologies from the list below.
In particular, your report should identify the four most important developments or "milestones" in the evolution of the technology and explain why these developments were critical.
Your report should run about 750-900 words. Text must be Times New Roman, double spaced, and 12pt font. One inch margins are required. Put your full name and student ID number at the top left corner of the page. Submit your assignment as a PDF or Word document.
Choose a technology from this list: cable TV
Communication satellites TV (video) display?data storage?cell phones
Computers?the internet?web browsers?video games recorded music home video?social media distributed computing.