
Identify the following keywords performance plastics

-Identify the following keywords: performance plastics, performance chemicals, water purification, agricultural chemicals, basic plastics, basic chemicals, hydrocarbons and energy.

-Utilize SEMRush at semrush.com to see what keywords your competitors are using. Are there any keywords you want to target that they are?

-Using the tools in the Intro to SEO Deck including Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, provide the estimated search volume for these terms and identify new keyword ideas. Be sure to set your target location to United States/Local.

-What is your current organic search visibility in Google on these terms?

-Are you on the first page of search results?

-Do you rank in the first three pages?

-What rank does each keyword hold?

-How does your visibility(Google ranking) compare to your competitors on these terms?

-What strategies can you employ to promote your organic search visibility on these terms?

-Utilize answerthepublic.com to research additional potential keyword ideas off your primary keywords, then test those variations in Google Keyword Planner for traffic volumes.

-Your keyword strategy will feed into your final project, so spending a little more time in keyword research at this stage will save you time when it comes to the final project.

-Note for real life: The average amount of keywords in a serious keyword strategy for a small business or non-profit is probably minimum around 25-50 keywords, going into the hundreds and even thousands.

-For the purposes of this assignment, try at minimum to identify a list of 5-10 final keywords you want to focus on.

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Operation Management: Identify the following keywords performance plastics
Reference No:- TGS02879977

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