Identify the elements of the pentad with various quotations

After reading the course material about Kenneth Burke's Dramatism theory and Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech, apply the Dramatistic Pentad to King's speech. Analysis should focus on the five elements of the pentad and draw a conclusion about King's underlying motive for the speech. This is NOT a research paper for you to find out what others have written about King's speech, but an opportunity for you to apply a specific rhetorical theory to a specific case study.

The paper should be approximately 1200 words.

Identify the elements of the Pentad with various quotations from King's speech. Also conduct an analysis of the ratios of the pentad elements and draw your conclusion about King's worldview. Your paper should defend which of the elements of the pentad you regarded as the most significant.

There should be five sections to this paper that describe the MLK Speech "I have a dream."

The speech is here:

1. Act: What happened? What is the action? What is going on? What action; what thoughts?
2. Scene: Where is the act happening? What is the background situation?
3. Agent: Who is involved in the action? What are their roles?
4. Agency: How do the people act? By what means do they act?
5. Purpose: Why do the people act? What do they want?

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Dissertation: Identify the elements of the pentad with various quotations
Reference No:- TGS01581509

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