
Identify the economics themes


Video Scrapbooking

Economics can be found everywhere. There is economics in newspapers, movies, literature, and most importantly in our daily lives. Keeping up to date with this information helps you retain understanding of economics concepts on test day. Some of the best sources of economic information are newspapers and magazines, many of which are accessible online. In these articles, you will find current information and opinions on nearly every topic and issue discussed in our textbook.

The goal of this project is to review the concept of scrapbooking and use this method to make economic connections to the world around us. Scrapbooking has traditionally always been a means of preserving personal history or interests in an album using pictures, media or artwork. As we move towards a more digital based society that is highly valued in the workforce, the idea of scrapbooking will be conducted electronically.

There is economics in newspapers, movies, literature, and most importantly in our daily lives. To provide yourself with a file of information on economic events, clip out and save portions of news articles and take pictures that you find interesting and informative. You can also find economics topics in movies, shows, and music. It may be useful to save them according to the chapter headings in the textbook or lectures. When you are dealing with a particular chapter you will have clippings to supplement the information and opinions that arise in classroom work and discussion.

When saving the clippings, write down a summary of how the piece is connected to the chapter theme or policy issue discussed in class in a minimum of 25 words (MAX 140 WORDS). Be sure to properly cite the source of the clipping. For example, if the clipping was found in an online newspaper, please provide the title of the article, the website retrieved from and the date.

Bring all clippings together and stream them like pictures. You should add a running narrative or, if the narrative is short enough, it can be present around the clipping. The streaming process continues with other clippings and narratives being introduced. The overall goal is to produce a video that streams the clippings with narratives in a sequential order. Thoroughness, creativity & colorfulness, organization and quality will be graded There is no length requirement.

However, there must be a clipping for at least 8 different concepts/topics discussed in class. Between each clipping, there should be enough time for the viewers to read every clipping and its narrative. Finally, you should include some nice soothing background music.

Here is an example of what it is supposed to look like:


ECON Behind the Music, TV, or Movie Media Analysis

Since economics is everywhere, it is not surprising that we find economic concepts in music. For this assignment, you need to analyze a song, TV show, or movie and identify the economics themes, key concepts, or basic following:

· Reserve your choice by posting the title of the song, artist and year (or TV show episode or movie scene) in your discussion post title and I will approve them to avoid excessive duplication of content. NOTE: you may reserve your choice by posting a "placeholder" post with the title in the discussion board, then go back and edit your original post before the assignment deadline. Example: Jim - Word Crimes by Weird Al Yankovic (2013).

· The body of the discussion post must include all of the following: your name, song (artist & year) or show (include pertinent information), brief interpretation of the basic message of the popular song choice (1-2 sentence maximum), a numbered list of the three economics concepts, definitions, principles or theories that are explored in your choice along with a brief definition in your own words and how it fits with the piece of media along with relevant supporting lyrics for each numbered concept.

· Grading is based on the ability to follow instructions, the quality of your analysis, the uniqueness of the economics concepts your group found, and your explanation to the class.

· You will do an in-class presentation, which includes both speaking to the class as whole as well as making a visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, Glogster, movie, etc.). Creativity matters! As always, spelling and grammar are important. You will lose points for the use of poor grammar, incorrect spelling, or foul language.

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Microeconomics: Identify the economics themes
Reference No:- TGS01950909

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