
Identify the different duty holders in the organisation


Show that you can:

a) contribute to the implementation of a health and safety management system plan

b) identify the different duty holders in the organisation and take an active role in communicating and explaining the plan to others

c) take appropriate steps to facilitate the contribution of other stakeholders, including workers, to the plan development, implementation and evaluation

You may assume that you are the WHS manager.

Write a short report to your manager explaining:

a) health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice
b) identify the key Duty Holders in your workplace, and explain their obligations under the act
c) what organisational health and safety policies and procedures should exist
d) what are safe work systems
e) health and safety hazard induction and risk assessment requirements
f) return-to-work and injury management procedures

You should also discuss the implementation of this plan, and consider:

a) consultation and communication arrangements
b) the requirement induction and ongoing training
c) how you will obtain feedback from other stakeholders
d) tools, methods and processes for implementing and reviewing the plan

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Business Management: Identify the different duty holders in the organisation
Reference No:- TGS03247604

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