
Identify the current significant issue in public safety


Discussion Board questions must be answered thoroughly. Must be APA format, answer thoroughly, must have at least 1 to 2 verifiable legitimate sources, 300 no less than 250 words as per the instructions answering thoroughly.

In a new thread, identify any current significant issue in public safety, one that is across the entire division, department, organization or industry. If you were the leader of that organization, how would you take on the challenge, and develop a plan to remedy the issue. What are your solutions? In 300 words or less give a summary of and define the issue/s and challenges, the circumstances, and the effects on the public safety organization/s or industry. Do not include the entire plan to remedy the issue, just some highlights. This could be, but does not have to be, an issue (operational, administrative, policy, training, standards, human resources, budget etc.) specific to your/other organization/s that you identify some solutions. Reply to at least two of your classmates.

There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response.


One of the biggest issues that the public safety field is facing that was also identified in the UMUC course module is the budget challenge. Federal funding has been increasing at a steady rate as more new public safety problems arise (UMUC., n.d.). According to UMUC, the emergence of technology has brought a plethora of issues regarding cybersecurity which is a whole different realm of funding. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security has cost the government a lot of money. From 2001 to 2011, the government has gone from 16 billion dollars in funds towards Homeland Security to 67 billion in 2011 (UMUC., n.d.). With issues such as international terrorism, domestic terrorism, illegal immigration, cyberthreats, etc. the Department of Homeland Security is requiring more funding. The budget challenge has resulted in budget cuts to the nation's most critical organizations (Brock, E., 2010).

Due to the increasing funding demands in a wide variety of public organizations, it has caused others to suffer from budget cuts. Budget cuts means cuts to staff and services. "In July, Oakland, Calif., cut 80 officers from its police force, which equated to a more than 10 percent reduction of the department, says Holly" (Brock, E., 2010, para. 3). With the emerging issues of our country, we can not afford to cut back on public safety services. So what should be done? My suggestion is planning ahead for budget cuts. Public safety units should always have a plan for budget cuts. They should determine what their organization can live without and what they absolutely need (Stelter, L., n.d.). So when the time comes, the budget cut will not affect them nearly as much as it would if it took them by surprise. The problems that are developing in our country as well as cutting budgets is something that public safety organizations can not control. However, they can control how well they are prepared for such situations.


Brock, E. (2010, September 01). Budget problems force cuts to public safety.

Stelter, L. (n.d.). Public safety concerns: How to be prepared for budget cuts - in public safety.

UMUC. (n.d.). Module 3 Leadership Challenges in the Public Safety Environment.

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify the current significant issue in public safety
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