
Identify the current ceo and the existing vision mission

A completed case study paper.

The completed case study paper should include the following content:

1. Select one business which *does have a case study which appears in the back of the David textbook*, but information in your case study *must be current (2013/2014)*.

2. The company should be a corporation which has common stock listings on either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), or the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. You may choose any company in which you have an interest.

3. Describe the company, its products and/or services, and the length of time it has been in operation (both in the USA and globally).

4. Identify the *current CEO*, and the existing vision, mission, and operating goals and strategies.

5. Identify the firm's competitors: Who are the companies and what ranking does your company have in relation to its competition (1st, 2nd, etc.).

6. SWOT Analysis: Prepare a *detailed SWOT Analysis* of your chosen business: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (at least two (2) areas of operation (one internal strategy / one external strategy) for *each of the four categories*.

7. Conclusion: For each SWOT category above, recommend what *strategic advice* you would provide to your chosen business to grow and improve operations. Focus upon areas such as: new product development, revenue (sales) growth, cost(expense) savings, opening new business locations (more stores), and expansion of online vs. brick-and-mortar marketing.

8. Forecast: How successful would predict your business to be in the future, and why?

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Strategic Management: Identify the current ceo and the existing vision mission
Reference No:- TGS01036111

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