
Identify the conventional or unconventional hazard type


Outline and Annotated Bibliography

In Unit VII, you will be asked to address the following issues based on the topic you chose in Unit I:

1. Identify the conventional or unconventional hazard type.
2. Analyze the U.S. Department of Homeland Security documents that were utilized to implement the planning and response efforts.
3. Discuss how these documents were used to facilitate the response efforts.
4. Evaluate if the response agencies successfully responded to the incident.

After reviewing the aforementioned requirements for the Unit VII Research Paper, complete Parts I and II below.

Part I: Research Paper Outline

Use the four criteria mentioned above to write a brief outline, which will be the basis for your research paper, and identify how the four criteria pertain to the domestic terrorist incident.

Topic: Virginia Tech Shooting of 2007

Part II: Annotated Bibliography

Next, list five scholarly references from the CSU Online Library that support your research paper topic and paper. Include a brief summary for each reference that will cover the material related to the research paper criteria. The annotated bibliography identifies the reference, description, and how it pertains to the research paper. Also, in your bibliography, you should provide a brief description that explains why you believe the selected incident will serve as good basis for evaluating the response process and the role it plays as it relates to domestic terrorism.

These are two references that will be used.

1. "Timeline of a Massacre." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 27 Apr. 2007. Academic OneFile, go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=AONE&sw=w&u=oran95108&v=2.1&id=GALE%7CA162584705&it=r&asid=b8ebfe3d8c9a09e4bd2d53e9c34e332f. Accessed 13 Sept. 2017.

2. https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/prevail/docs/April16ReportRev20091204.pdf

Use APA style to format the references.

Please click the link below to review the CSU Success Center's tutorial on creating an annotated bibliography. Columbia Southern University Success Center. (n.d.). Annotated bibliographies: How to write an effective annotated bibliography. Retrieved from https://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/annotatedbib/

The research outline and annotated bibliography should be a minimum of two pages in length. This assignment will be submitted as one document. One page for the outline and one page for the bibliography.

Unit II Journal

Think about a domestic terrorist incident that you have read or heard about that occurred recently in the United States. If you were the emergency operation center manager, how would you handle the following issues:

Topic: Charleston Church Shooting of 2015

1. Did the terrorists use a conventional or unconventional hazard to initiate the incident?
2. Describe the effectiveness of the planning and response efforts.
3. Do you think the response was successful or unsuccessful?

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