
Identify the concept of corporate objectives and evaluate

Assessment item 1


This assessment is designed to engage you in the subject and to begin to develop an understanding of central issues in marketing. It will also be the start of the discussion and comparison with your peers on topics of the marketing concept and market management, and starts the process of the marketing audit.

In 3 sections of 200 words each (or less), incorporating the theoretical concepts into your discussion from the first two chapters of the text, and with the use of secondary research, discuss the following concepts and apply to your selected organisation:

1. Identify the concept of corporate objectives and evaluate an organisation with information available in the public domain.

2. Discuss marketing orientation concepts (i.e. the marketing concept, the selling concept or production concept). Explain with examples which concept your organisation follows.

3. What is your organisation's core marketing strategy? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current marketing strategy and explain how this strategy will help your organisation reach its corporate objectives.

Assessment item 2


The next stage of the marketing audit is for you to consider the market for your organisation and evaluate the opportunities and threats that exist for your chosen organisation. NB: if you have a number of markets it is a good idea to focus on just one.

Incorporating theoretical concepts into your discussion from chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6 (are these in relation to the new or the old version of the book) of the text, and with the use of other theoretical sources and secondary research, please discuss the following:

1. Briefly describe the industry market for your organisation and evaluate current trends in:

a. Growth

b. Profitability

c. Macro environment ( PESTLE factor)

2. Outline and examine the major market segments for your organisation and identify your primary and secondary target markets.

3. Discuss the level of involvement your primary segment is likely to have towards your organisation in terms of the decision making .

4. Describe the nature of competition in your industry. Explain and analyse your organisation's place in the market by comparing and contrasting its strengths and weaknesses to your main competitor.

5. Taking into consideration the primary segment, their level of involvement and the competition, create a positioning map for the market place.

You need to select an Australian based organisation or you could select an International organisation but it needs to have a presence in Australia. (I.e. Apple is acceptable since you can purchase their products in Australia. Ensure that you review the Australian market and consumers.)

Given that companies usually have a wide product offering that may cater to different market segments, it is encouraged that you focus on 1 product / service to streamline your analysis.

Also, you need to select a B2C market so that you can profile your target markets effectively.

More information on how to complete this assessment will be provided on Interact 2.

Assessment item 3a

This task is to be completed in teams of 3 to 4.

The final stage of the marketing audit is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organisation is performing for your chosen organisation. NB: as before, if you have a large range of product offerings, it is a good idea to focus on just one.

Outline and describe the 8 marketing mix concepts and apply the components to one of your products offerings. As part of your application be sure to explain and evaluate all of the 8ps' of marketing (product, prices, promotion, distribution, partnerships, people, processes and physical evidence).

Present your work to class. You will also be expected to answer questions that your audience may raise.

Assessment item 3b

This assessment is to be completed in the same teams as the previous assessment.

The final stage of the marketing audit is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organisation is performing for your chosen organisation. NB: as before, if you have a large range of product offerings, it is a good idea to focus on just one.

1. Outline and describe the 8 marketing mix concepts theoretically and apply the components to one of your products offerings. As part of your application be sure to explain and evaluate all of the 8ps' of marketing (product, prices, promotion, distribution, partnerships, people, processes and physical evidence).

2. Given your evaluation of your overall marketing strategies, the competition and broader contemporary issues facing marketers today, provide recommendations for your organisation. Your recommendations should focus on each of the 8ps and illustrate how contemporary issues may impact on your organisation and its marketing strategy.

Assessment item 4


Your contribution to learning and that of others is assessed in this unit. Every week you should contribute to in class discussion of issues related to marketing. The lecturer may also introduce topics for discussion. Points will be awarded according to the quality and quantity of questions and comments and for helping fellow students. Of most value are insightful questions, insightful answers, and references to interesting web sites, media and industry reports, that offer resources or contributions to our discussions and helpful tips and advice for tackling problems.

Note - I need only Assessment item 1.


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Marketing Management: Identify the concept of corporate objectives and evaluate
Reference No:- TGS02882597

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